ETP, Engineered Textile Products, Inc., is a leader in the custom fabrication of a large variety of environmental and industrial fabric products for the water, agriculture, and manufacturing industries. We distribute our products nationwide and export many of them throughout the world.

We custom manufacture a wide variety of items for environmental containment including baffle curtains and liners for ponds and liners for tanks. Our floating baffle curtains are used in small or large ponds, aquaculture, agriculture, water, and wastewater applications. ETP also makes clearwell suspended baffle curtains for your industrial, potable, and wastewater needs.

Some other applications include: secondary containment for tanks, temporary baffles for industrial sites, cistern liners for potable water, daily covers for landfills, and heavy-duty covers for agricultural or industrial solutions.

Floating Baffle Curtain
Floating Baffle Curtains

Suspended Baffle Curtains
Suspended Baffle Curtains

Geomembrane Liners
Geomembrane Liners

Secondary Containment Liners
Secondary Containment Liners


Flexible Tank Linings
Flexible Tank Linings

Whether your project is large or small, ETP can help you. We offer custom designs with rapid turnaround. A large inventory of materials and a skilled workforce of dedicated employees allow your job to be finished when you need it.


We welcome the opportunity to serve you and hope that you will call upon us whenever you have an industrial, environmental, or agricultural application. Please feel free to call us:
1-800-222-8277 or e-mail us any time.