ETP’s turbidity curtains, or turbidity barriers, are floating barriers used in marine construction, dredging, and remediation projects. Turbidity curtains are used to control the silt and sediment in a body of water such as ponds, lakes, bays, etc. ETP’s turbidity curtains can be set up to keep construction areas in compliance and protect the environment. ETP has been manufacturing quality turbidity curtains for over thirty years. Frequently Asked Questions

ETP-I Turbidity Curtain
The ETP-I is best used in small ponds, small lakes, or areas without strong currents or high winds. It is light and easy to deploy and adjust as needed, without heavy equipment. This curtain is made so fast deployment can be achieved with a minimum amount of labor. The ETP-I consists of a top flotation and a light ballast sealed inside of the curtain.
The curtains are typically manufactured in 25- foot sections. The connection of multiple sections is made through a heavy-duty, marine grade rope laced through heavy-duty brass grommets. The connection points allow for the use of wooden or steel stakes for additional stability in longer sections.
ETP-II Turbidity Curtain
The ETP-II is best used in ponds, lakes, bay, rivers, or streams. This an excellent choice for a sea wall, around docks, boats, construction sites, or a quick temporary response to spill sites. It is a medium duty curtain made with a heavier fabric than the ETP-I yet is still easy to deploy and adjust as needed without heavy equipment. The ETP-II is made so that a fast deployment can be achieved. The ETP-II consists of a top floatation and a heavier ballast sealed inside the curtain, and has a cable sealed in a pocket along the top of the curtain.
The curtains are typically manufactured in 25- foot sections. The connection of multiple sections is made by using a stainless- steel connection plate at the top and a heavy-duty, marine grade rope of heavy-duty plastic zip ties laced thru heavy-duty brass grommets. The connection points allow the use of wooden or steal stakes for additional stability in longer sections and concrete anchor or boat anchors may be attached to the ballast to assist with keeping the curtain in position is required.
ETP-III Turbidity Curtain
The ETP-III is best used in lakes, rivers, bays, and open water applications. This is an excellent choice for a sea wall, around docks, boats, marinas, construction sites, and spill sites. It is a heavy- duty curtain made with a heavier fabric than ETP I, it is still easy to deploy and adjust with the assistance of some heavy equipment and boats. The ETP-III is made so that a fast deployment can be achieved. The ETP-III consists of a top floatation and a heavier ballast sealed inside the curtain, and a cable sealed in the pocket along the top and 18 inches below the floatation.
The curtains are typically manufactured in 100-foot sections. The connection of multiple sections is made by using stainless-steel connection plates and bolts sandwiching the two sections together. In addition to the heavier ballast for additional stability, concrete anchors or boat anchors may be attached to the ballast to assist with keeping the curtain in position in the presence of wave action and higher winds.
Contact Engineered Textile Products, Inc. to place an order for your turbidity curtain now. We are waiting to assist you. Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-222-8277 or contact us here.